Entertainment technology investors

Initial target raise
Initial target raise

Golden Visa-eligible Fund “The Blacksword Funds” - exclusively investing in entertainment technology, encompassing visual effects and video-on-demand streaming cinematography projects. We are committed to financing a diverse range of projects in Portugal, with an emphasis on Entertainment Technology (Ent-Tech) projects supported by state of the art cinema studios and /or media technology hubs.

The Ticket

The investment fund market for golden visas is a highly regulated one. CMVM is the financial regulator in Portugal and ensures investment funds adhere to strict rules and parameters.

This should assure foreign investors of the secure preservation of their capital when making investments.

Golden Visa funds employ tax optimization strategies to minimize the tax burden on investors.

The fund route allows you to spread your investment over multiple funds. This diversification helps to safeguard investors' capital and enhance long-term returns.

Regulated Funds ensure well-defined strategies that give investors confidence in their investment decisions.

The Ticket

Highly Regulated
Tax Efficiency
Clear Exit Process

The investment fund market for golden visas is a highly regulated one. CMVM is the financial regulator in Portugal and ensures investment funds adhere to strict rules and parameters.

This should assure foreign investors of the secure preservation of their capital when making investments.

Golden Visa funds employ tax optimization strategies to minimize the tax burden on investors.

The fund route allows you to spread your investment over multiple funds. This diversification helps to safeguard investors' capital and enhance long-term returns.

Regulated Funds ensure well-defined strategies that give investors confidence in their investment decisions.

The Scenery: Portugal


One of the mildest climates in Europe with high sun exposure. A geographically diverse country that offers rich landscapes and nature. Portugal offers an ideal location for on-site shooting in the film industry.

Technology & Innovation

Portugal has implemented measures to promote digital competencies and the digitalization of the economy. Represents a highly innovative and dynamic sector, which already accounts for nearly 10% of the Portuguese GDP.

Government Support

Public mechanisms and incentives to support companies in developing their film and technology businesses.

Short Distances

Portugal's compact geography fosters a conducive environment for businesses to thrive by enabling efficient transportation, fostering connectivity and networking, revivifying logistical flexibility, and offering access to diverse regional markets.

Leading and Supporting roles

Investments in Muvi. Media and Viridian Labs are slated for our first two productions. These will be Tagilde’s anchors. Performing in the background, in a supporting but critical role, will be Real Media Assets, a companion fund that will act as the anchors’ provider of space and high tech facilities.

Muvi Media S.A. - Leading role
Muvi Media S.A. - Leading role
Real Media Assets - Supporting role
Real Media Assets - Supporting role